Started by Thegilger, Sep 06, 2024, 06:29 PM

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MC Username: mrgilger

Name: Nikita Vladimirovich Sokolov
Traits and Political Views:
- Left Anarchist
- Militant
- Violent
- Charismatic
- Former Cossack

Some goals:
- Abolition of the Republic of Faru in favor of a confederation of Free Settlements
- Eradication of ethnic identarian politics
- Radical redistribution of wealth
- Exporting the revolution

Nikita was born to a conservative Cossack household in central Faru in 1899. During his youth, he was a fervent Cossack nationalist, however after bearing witness to the Urbis Massacre, the blatant corruption of the Hetmanate, and the various atrocities committed by both sides during the Cossack War of 1920, he became totally disillusioned not only with the Hetmanate, but with the often equally bloodthirsty and reactionary Farun Republic. From that point on, he viewed all state authority as illegitimate on the basis that it's only purpose was to legitimize the robbery and slaughter of people whom they could barely claim to represent. He vehemently despised John McHale, whom he viewed as a grifter, a man who perpetuated the old way while nakedly pandering. He also despised Priest Viktor, who he viewed as complicit in the Senate's incompetence owing to his complete lack of input in the government. Finally, he views Novak as a counter-revolutionary who seeks to placate the masses while ultimately continuing the same Liberal-Conservative order he once represented openly. With the rise of the Vanguard, Sokolov now sees that the opportunity to radical change is closing quickly. Whether or not Faru can become truly free hinges on these next free crucial months, and Sokolov will be there to ensure that True Liberty does not go quietly.