Character Declaration: Bennón Schiffa

Started by Froge, Jul 11, 2024, 04:14 AM

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MC Username: Froge4181

Name: Dr. Georgy Schiffa (Pseud.)
Traits and Political Views:
- Cowardly
- Opportunistic
- Addicted to Gambling
- Believes whatever Aesel believes
- Closeted Homosexual (alleged)

Occupation(s): Aesel's retainer, Scheming.

Some goals:
Evade capture and prosecution by the Areolois National Police, the Pastiche Royal Police, Several Anguillois regional authorities, The Witeliun Royal Police, Several Witeliun criminal syndicates, and my ex-wife.
Get Rich in this Po-Dunk Nowheresville Wart on the back of the Continent.
Influence Politics to mine (and Aesel's!) personal gain.

Who's asking? It's none of your business where or whenexactly I was born, or who my parents were. That is highly privileged information! For likes-a you, I was born sometime around 1880 in an undisclosed mill town in northern Witeliu. When I became a young man, My mother and father tried to make me marry this horrible ghoul of a woman. I skipped town before we consummated with my best good friend... I miss him... and who he was is none-of-ya-business neither!
Anyhows, We scrambled around the continent for a while after that. Maybe a decade, 15 years? Got fugitive in every country worth livin' in. Couldn't make good on debts. We caught the last boat to Anguille and did sum-more scrambling. My old friend, he bit it with the copper out in the west. Then the Great War came. I'm still not sure what was so great about it. There were a lot more countries to visit. I made my way back to the Continent, and then to Faru. I thought, "Finally! Somewhere even Death won't come looking!"
And the rest is history!


Can I interest you in some of my fine Oriental River Snake Oil?


[Big things are coming.]
[Patriots are in control.]
[Follow The Plan.]
[FarogAnon out.]