Ashton Character Update

Started by AnteaterAshley, May 28, 2024, 08:13 PM

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Character update:

Ashton is now severely crippled after a fierce showdown with the General of the Cossack Armies

Permanently has Slowness I

Is physically incapable of fighting due to severe injuries

Has difficulty speaking, severe scarring


all injuries sustained during the battle (from the head down) ((this is important to have consistent larp with the character and avoid "oh my leg hurts" one day and then having it be fine the next))

Severe laceration on the left cheek, starting just past the lips and stretching to the edge of his face, narrowly missing his ear. Slight curve downward (severe, immediately noticeable scar that makes facial expressions difficult)
Prominent facial scarring (permanent)
Loss of sight in left eye (permanent)
Broken collarbone (will heal over time)
Collapsed right lung (will also heal over time, but limits respiratory function)
Missing middle, ring, and pinky fingers on right hand, making gripping a sword in combat next to impossible (permanent)
severe bruising on left arm (shield arm) (extremely temporary lmao bruises heal)
Multiple broken ribs (temporary)
Severe laceration through the muscles of the right leg, imparting a permanent limp (just said, permanent)