Character Declaration: John McHale

Started by Thegilger, May 25, 2024, 02:12 AM

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MC Username:

John McHale

Traits and Political Views:
- 24 Years Old
- Activist
- "Every Man a King"
- Socially Progressive
- Anti-Authoritarian
- Pro-Republic
- Gilgerian
- Loyal to his friends
- Despises Tories and Libertarians

Some goals:
- The Presidency
- Building up his community

John McHale belongs to a prominent political & business family from the Free City of Stormharbor, a member of the Gilgerian Federal Republic. During The Troubles, John chose to leave the city, whose politics had been dominated by members of the authoritarian National Party (his family members) who curbed civil rights within the city and contributed to the decline of the Federation. John chose to strike out for a new life in a new nation in order to right the mistakes of his predecessors as a true believer in democracy and liberty. While his positions are genuinely held, he is not above doing whatever it takes to ascend the ladder of power, including backing controversial generals and allying with criminal gangs who make it easier to achieve his ends.