Captain "Shambles" of the shattered skies

Started by Unshameless, May 17, 2024, 09:43 PM

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MC Username: TheUnshameless

Name: Captain "Shambles" of the shattered skies
Traits and Political Views:
-Cossack Heritage Originally hailing from one of the many ethnic Cossack settlements throughout the slorbo-glormorian empire. Far detached from his people and culture over the long years, he has returned to offer his aid to his people...
-Infaruan Nationalist During the Infaruan war of independence, he fought alongside the Infaruan forces in the skies... desires a semi-autonomous state for the Cossack peoples within Infaru...
-Starian Socialist Believing somewhat in socialist teachings, he also aims to create a cult of personality around the Hetmen, including the current Hetman: staria... thus Starian Socialism is born
-Vengeful but Reasonable Will not go out of his way to cause mischief, lest war be declared. Will right any perceived wrongs how he sees fit...

Some goals:
-Construction of Infaruan Grand Aero-Armada and aero-ports
-Advancement of Infrastructure and Development throughout Infaru
-Integration and continuous armament + Modernization of the Chevaporozhian Hetmanate

When he was a young lad he was conscripted to serve in the Slorbo-Glomorian aero-navy forces. Originally he was a drafted as a engine room operator of an airship, gradually overtime he rose in the ranks over four years to eventually command a small airship of his own.
When Infaru rebelled against the Slorbo-Glomorians he took up arms against them, as did many other Cossack enclaves and ethnicities throughout their empire. During the independence war he raided supply lines and conducted ambushes against the Slorbo-Glormorian aero-navy.
When the war ended his airship was headed to a foreign port to seek repairs where it was caught in a dreadful storm in the Infaru eastern sea. Due to the nature of the damages, the airship could not rise above the clouds and plummeted into the waves...
Captain Shambles washed ashore near the fishing village of Rybagrad... where he changed course and decided to venture into Infaru...