Character Declaration

Started by Alphanum[SL, Apr 20, 2024, 10:25 PM

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MC Username: Alphanum

Name: Æsël Blanch (Aesel alternatively)
Traits and Political Views:
- Monarchist
- Farun nationalist
- Very Cubeaist
- Loves yapping
- Kinda fruity in a conservative way and prob secretly gay
- More ideologically fluid beyond nationalism, monarchism, and conservatism

Some goals:
Ideally establishing a Farun monarchy, although more generally also positioning himself as a moderate figure between socialists and liberals. I guess a more Cubeaist Faru too, but that is more like a desire than goal I guess?

Being born to a Farun father and to a mother from an ethnicity closely related to Faruns (too lazy to make up why my character has this name lol), Æsël Blanch was born into an upper middle class family, able to afford education and a more above average childhood thanks to his dad's position as a lawyer and his mother's architect family business. Despite this, his childhood was also surrounded by the witnessing of violence and oppression towards fellow Faruns, he himself barely speaking Faruan beyond sometimes with his immediate family because of the association the language had.
As a teenager, he started studying philosophy and poetry, immediately developing a passion towards both which made him join various poetry and philosophy clubs, there he would start mixing himself with some young Farun nationalists, who years before the revolution were already speaking of independence, and although initially being more in favor of regionalism and autonomism himself, these peers would start to move him towards a more radical stance.
Because of his higher class status, him and his peers were less drawn to socialism and more drawn towards more "liberal" ideas, although rejecting some of the premises of economic liberalism and liberal philosophy. This environment lead him and a few more of his peers to start discussing the unpopular idea of a Farun king based around the romanticist historical belief of a Farun monarchy being the basis of Farun identity, and as such inseparable from it.
Growing up, while still keeping his ideas of a Farun monarchy, he started to distance himself with politics, being forced to choose between architecture and law by his parents and eventually leaning towards law, leaving his philosophy and poetry passion in the background, specially given his father's opinion towards poetry and most philosophy as being a waste of time. Despite this, he would secretly share philosophy and specially poetry with the friends he kept from his youth through mail and occasional meetings at cafés and parks.
When the Farun independence war broke out, he was initially drafted in the Slorbo-Glormorian Imperial army, but quickly deserted for the Farun revolutionaries as soon as he could, fighting alongside them and learning the recipe for saturation stews from army medics. Now, after the republic was declared, seeking to fulfill his dreams of a Farun Monarchy.
staunchly pro-noun (it/its et nya/nyan)

:o < this emoji is so fucked up wtf