Delphin Update

Started by AnteaterAshley, Sep 30, 2024, 06:55 PM

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Updated Character declaration because 1) i'm bored 2) she's DRAMATICALLY changed since she was created in early June and 3) the server is down so now's as good of a time as any

MC Username: AnteaterAshley

Name: Delphin Feucoeur
Traits and Political Views:
- Jaded Extremist
- Very politically motivated; long-term planner
- Part of the Nationalist Caucus of the Liberal-Conservative Party
- Enjoys cooking
- Is a Farun citizen and has been for much of her life, but is ethnically Areolan-Pahak Creole (ic equivalent of irl creole peoples of the Caribbean Sea)

Some goals:
- Secure a foundational role in the Nationalist Caucus
- Prevent any leftist movements by any means necessary
- Continue her underground bounty hunter business
- Champion Secularism in the Nationalist Caucus

She is descended from the famous pirate, Captain Flameheart, but is not aware of this. She doesn't know much of her ancestry, but she came to Faru, the fledgeling Republic, to seek opportunity and to build a new life free from the poverty of old Pahak Anguille. After building a homestead in the woods outside Urbis, she was mortified to witness the city fall deeper and deeper into leftist, idealist thought. Founding the Urbis People's Militia, she and a group of ragtag vigilantes fought against left-wing thought in both a general and literal sense. Culminating in a string of political assassinations against left wing extremists in Urbis. Since then, the domination of the Liberal Conservative party has led to factionalism within its ranks, and Delphin intends to leave her mark on Farun history by putting her full support behind the Nationalist Caucus.