Character Declaration - Sebastokrator Leo "Pale Death of the Cossack" I (WIP)

Started by Shelteredspore, Jun 13, 2024, 12:26 PM

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MC Username: Shelteredspore

Name: Leo Sporius

(This is also a general layout of some brainstormed ideas regarding Sporloniki lore, that will need to be worked through)
Traits and Political Views:
- 33 Years of Age
- An ethinic Krenton (greek)
- On face value an Infaru Collaborater (The Krenton Imperial Commune of Sporloniki is a semi-Autonomous revolutionary city state protected by strong walls. but many krentons view themselves as subjects of an imperialist power. Leo has seccessionist sympathies)
- What would be considered a "Monarcho-Socialist" outside krenton. adheres to ancient krenton Republican (Roman Imperial) Creed mixed with communist principles. (need to roleplay the signing of a treaty etc)
-Title of sebastokrator-Secretary (venerable ruler) is a reduced form of the ancient krenton imperial title.
-Adheres to the new Krenton religion The Cult of Marks. a form of the cult of supreme being that worships the historial revolutionary as a messiah figure. Remnants of orthodox religion remain.
-REALLY does not like cossacks

Some goals:
-Architectural projects in Sporloniki
-Establishment of Fertilizer, gold, diorite, and purple cloth Trade with the rest of infaru
- (Secret) The independence of the Krenton People.
- (Secret) World Revolution with the Krenton Emperor-Secretary as figurehead. in accordance with ancient principles of universal empire and the universal Krenton identity.
- Collab with Infaru to ensure krenton autonomy and to further spread of Krenton communist principles

Recently "elected" (technically inherited as he was the son of the previous secretary, born in the Granite chamber of the Krenton Imperial Palace), to the position of Sebastokrator-Secretary of the Peoples Krenton Imperial Revolutionary Party. (WIP)