Character Declaration: Aleksandr Novak

Started by ultimachino, May 29, 2024, 11:31 PM

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MC Username: ultimachino

Name: Aleksandr Novak
Traits and Political Views:
- 35 years old (as of 1928)
- Quiet, calm, and collected, Novak doesn't speak unless he absolutely knows what to say
- Believes communists and socialists may be on the right track, but going at such a speed that they would derail the whole train at the slightest turn. Thinks an advanced form of capitalism is the true way (through social democracy)
- Staunch supporter of capitalism with checks and balances, but privately believes capitalism is only one stage in a long line of stages towards utopia
- Privately is not religious, but observes Cubeaism to maintain appearances
- Does not care much about ethnicity in general, but privately reveres Pahaks as the truly superior race, astounded by their inventions and craftsmanship
- Has always preferred the term Faruan, as it was the accepted term when he went to University, but has slowly turned around on Farun, taking notes from the Farun farming family he briefly lived with

Some goals:
- Wants to electrify the world (or at least Faru), mostly because of his own personal interest in the field and not for any other particular reason At this point, Novak is just happy with modernizing Faru to keep up with the rest of the world
- Wants to pass on his luck with the Baron funding his education onto everyone; cheap education for the masses. Novak believes this education will push people to work harder and allow the capitalist machine to run smooth as ever. However, Novak does not express this publicly as he believes the world "isn't quite ready for that, yet"

Aleksandr Novak was born in the city of Gludapestenfurt to Jozef and Andria Novak. His father, Jozef, owned a small cobbling business. His mother, Andria, was a seamstress.

Aleksandr, through some stroke of incredible luck, received the blessing of a Slorbo-Glomorian Baron to receive a finer education at the University of Chinnsbruck in Slorbo-Glomoria. The education would be paid for as long as Aleksandr would return to work for the Baron. Aleksandr received his BSEE (Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering) approximately 3 years before the Revolution.

After his involvement in a number of student groups protesting the monarchy, Aleksandr fled Chinnsbruck with nothing but the clothes on his back and found himself in the Farun region. With the help of a small farming family, Aleksandr was able to work around the farm in exchange for food and shelter.

A year later, when he had figured the heat had died down, he moved on to Urbis City, approximately a year before the Revolution. There, Novak became involved in the Liberal Underground with a small group of intellectuals, including Chaton. During this time, Novak pushed for the ethnic recognition of the Cossack people in Slorbo-Glomorian politics, but stepped away from this idea publicly when Cossack pillagers ransacked villages post-Revolution.

By the time the Revolution hit, Urbis City had grown extensively. The Liberal Underground had taken hold as the main political force in Urbis, and Chaton had quickly enshrined themselves as a heroic figure before being taken out during the Cossack Invasion. After an election had been held to determine the new Mayor, Novak had been sworn in to finish what Chaton had started.