Character Declaration: Ludomir Kapek

Started by TheFishLord1, Apr 22, 2024, 10:22 PM

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MC Username: TheFishLord1

Name: Ludomir Kapek
Traits and Political Views:
- Communist
~ Communist supporting the abolition of private property, class and the state.
~ Does not like compromising his ideals, nonetheless understands the value of coalitions (to a degree).
~ Prefers revolutionary means for achieving communism.
~ Still partakes in parliamentary institutions, as a means of platforming himself rather than out of a belief that parliamentary means can give rise to socialism.

- Anti-Liberal
~ Does not believe in representative democracy.
~ Thinks liberalism (and other anti-communist ideologies) are enemies to be defeated rather than valid worldviews deserving of respect.
~ His participation in these institutions is thus uncompromising and adversarial towards liberals. monarchists etc.
~ Somewhat secretly (it slips out sometimes) supports the suppression of capitalist, monarchist and generally anti-communist elements.

Anti-Religion, Anti-Patriotism
~ Opposes religion, sees it as upholding oppressive dominant structures and as holding society back.
~ Hopes to see religion fade away over time, does not oppose suppression of more reactionary religious practices.
~ Opposes most patriotism and nationalism, thinking that it serves ruling class interests.

Some goals:
1. To overthrow the government if it turns out to be too liberal or monarchist.
2. To spread his ideas.
3. To end all capitalist and feudal elements in Infaru.
4. To advance the economy of Infaru rapidly through collective efforts.

Toby was born in Cerise to relatively fortunate circumstances, being the son of a merchant. This fortunate upbringing allowed him to receive an education which he would later use to articulate problems with the dominant systems governing Infaru, eventually joining the People's Social Development Party and gradually becoming more radical and fringe when compared to other members, and works to "guide" people to more extreme measures.
