Character Declaration

Started by Sengi, Apr 20, 2024, 08:58 PM

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MC Username: Sengiwizard42

Name: Sengi Visaru
Traits and Political Views:
  • Courteous. Despite having left the feudal world he grew up in, Sengi has internalized the social norms of that world and continues to subconsciously uphold them. 
  • Timid. Sengi wants to avoid conflict as much as possible because he is not confident in his ability to fight. This extends to his relationship with politics. He is wary of big, rapid changes.
  • Outdoorsy. Sengi finds beauty in the natural world and enjoys being near it. He doesn't like labor-saving technology meant to reduce his connection to it, like railroads or automated farms.
  • Agrarian socialist. Sengi believes in socialism based the peasant commune and relying on the peasantry as the revolutionary class, therefore allowing undeveloped countries to transition to socialism without developing capitalism. It is unclear how sincere these beliefs are, or whether they are simply a way to fit in with the PSDP.
Some goals:
  • Develop Cerise
  • Maintain a stable status quo as much as possible, while trying not to alienate his more reform-minded allies
Sengi Visaru was born to a Faruan peasant family in the village of Vuran, in the north of what would become Faru. His upbringing was roughly similar to most other peasants, participating on the farm from a young age. However, he benefited from a basic education courtesy of traveling Cubaeist missionaries that left him literate.
Soon after his passage into adulthood, the Collapse of the Slorbo-Glormorian Empire began. Initially, Sengi was only dimly aware of the mass protests occurring in the cities, but he lent them passive support due to the difficulties of the famine. Still, he largely avoided conflict despite his grievances.
Shortly following the outbreak of the war, the war reached Vuran. The Slorbo-Glormorian army demanded supplies from the villagers, despite the fact that Vuran still hadn't fully recovered from the famine. When several villagers refused, the situation escalated, resulting in what would later be called the Vuran Massacre. The status of the village worsened further when Kenneth Infaru's Liberation Army reached Vuran, and it was almost entirely destroyed in the resulting battle.
Similarly to many other displaced peasants, Sengi fled into the forest following Vuran's destruction, foraging for food at night while avoiding the fighting as much as possible. He managed to avoid conscription in this way and emerge from the war largely unscathed.
Following the end of the war, Sengi reentered society. He made his way to Cerise, the nearest settlement to his former village, where he began to construct a new life for himself in the rural outskirts of the newly founded town.

NOTE: Idk what language Faruans speak, so I hope the names I made work.
