Teozof Zunec

Started by Renarchat, Dec 30, 2024, 05:39 AM

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*retiring mateo vukusti for the forseeable future to play this one*

MC Username: 25thofNivose

Name: Teozof Zunec
Traits and Political Views:

- Great war veteran, Teozof fought in the great war and as with everyone else, never got any compensation. He is impoverished, traumatized and until recently unsure what to do with his life. 

- Unitarian and not much else, Teozof does not have a strong belief system yet, however their main conviction, especially in the wake of the recent regionalist explosion, has been to reinvigorate general Loupius and Infaru's dream of a UNITED republic.

- Atheist AND Anti Theist, Teozof saw the hell of war, there is no god. Furthermore, religion needs to stay out of public life, as it is corrupting our institutions and policies. 

- Bold and reckless, Teozof is not scared of saying what they believe, for better and for worse. They are also not scared of acting on those beliefs, again, for better and for worse.

- Schemer, despite the last point, Teozof loves using intrigue, schemes and plots to get their way.

- theres a metal plate somewhere in there from surgery

Some goals:
- Destroy regionalism and promote a united Farun nation
- Root out yeomanry and destroy the commons. 


Teozof Zunec was born in a small hamlet north of Kroletfaru in 1898. Their childhood as a farmhand was fairly standard for Faruns and was thus fairly unremarkable.

Their life was completely changed in 1916 when they turned 18 and were drafted into the Imperial military. They were put into the all-Farun 7th Bloatian Infantry Company, fighting in the gruesome southern front. During this time they got involved in the brewing liberal underground, joining the group and considering himself a liberal from that point on.

They stuck around with the 7th even after the end of the great war, not having anywhere else to go, and was amongst the original few hundred of the Infaru Liberation Army.

By 1920, Infaru and Chaton were dead, and Teozof had nothing going on for them. They became a vagrant, wandering from town to town and doing odd jobs for the next eight years, barely making it by, and is still doing this to this day, hoping to strike it out and get a big life for themself one day.


De Remuva

ok cool now make a wiki article
Can a t girl swing hips with no t on the grill or?