Character Declaration - Michael November

Started by Francis Urquhart, Oct 24, 2024, 01:50 AM

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Francis Urquhart

MC Username: Cranberry_Esq

Name: Michael November

Traits and Political Views:
- centrist
- scientific
- republican

Some goals:
To build up the healthcare system and scientific system of Faru

Michael November is the only living relative of Tim Stamper, and is from a line of Stampers that immigrated to Faru sixty years ago. He is one of the only doctors in Faru, but he wants to change that. He either wants to lead Miller Memorial in Providence, or the still-under-construction hospital in Urbis. Either way, his goal is to expand scholarly works on medicine and science in Faru. He served in the Farun Armed Services years ago as a combat medic, but left to work in civilian healthcare.