Character Declaration - Anton Melekhov

Started by ultimachino, Oct 11, 2024, 09:13 PM

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MC Username: Ultimachino

Name: Anton Melekhov
Traits and Political Views:
- 34 years old (born in 1891)
- Typically keeps to himself. Quiet. Sometimes stares at people just a little too long
- Often appears distraught, as if haunted by some ceaseless spectre
- Considers himself some variety of Socialist, but believes the previous NFL party and Aeselites are all cranks
- Believes only HIS form of Socialism will root out backwards thinking like that done by the Bloatians and the Cossacks. What this form of Socialism is, though, seems to alter and shift based entirely on his mood at the time

Some goals:
- Wants a more cohesive Farun nation with less divisions between the East and West
- Wants some form of defense against Bloatian influence, but not at heavy cost of the people's liberty
- Wants Socialism to remain a dominant force in Faru for generations to come

Anton Melekhov was born on a farm just outside of Urbis City to Grigory and Anya Melekhov. His father and mother were both peasant farmers in Faru. His mother was killed during a Cossack raid in 1906. His father disappeared sometime in 1908. With Anton left to fend for himself, he worked the farm for a brief time before abandoning it for a job in Urbis City in 1916. While Urbis City had not modernized by this time, there were still construction jobs that paid well.

By 1918, Anton was involved with the so-called Liberal Underground, desperately trying to educate himself to be at the same level as his peers. However, he had a falling-out with the group after a disagreement with Aleksandr Novak led to a duel. The duel had ended swiftly, as both of the pistols of the duellists had jammed, being Farun-made. Years after, Anton would send letters to wherever Aleksandr Novak was living, vowing to duel him again, this time with a working pistol. The source of the argument is still unknown to the rest of the Liberal Underground.

Anton was largely uninvolved in the Cossack War and the Ape War, taking frequent trips to different parts of the country for his own safety, trying his best to build a Socialist movement. While in Cerise, Anton was ambushed by what he thought was an Ape, but after overpowering him and killing him, he wasn't quite sure if it was an Ape or just a really hairy man. He wrote off the New Farun Labor party as reactionary, and didn't believe the Communist Party of Faru really existed, but if it did, it probably wouldn't have been his vision either.

After living in terrible conditions and saving money for so long, Anton purchased the rights to a place of business in Markarth. His main goal is now to spread his own Socialist ideas while making enough money to further the movement.