Character Declaration: Drago Mesiac Venuša

Started by D3rpy, Sep 03, 2024, 09:50 PM

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MC Username: D3RPYMCD3RP

Name: Drago Mesiac Venuša

Traits and Political Views:
- Farun Ethnicity
- Military Experience
- 26 Years Old
- Nationalist
- Aknevite Thinker

Some goals:

Rid the Farun government of subversive cowards and help establish a new era for the Farun People.


Born in the Cerise Outskirts in 1898 to a peasant farming family. Drago grew up living in the squalor brought on by the empire's wastefulness and disdain for the lower classes. At the age of 14 his family farm was appropriated by a Bloatian nobleman leaving his family almost destitute and struggling to survive. He stole and foraged for what he could to provide, only barely managing to scrape his family by while his father looked for work in Cerise. At the age of 16 he enlisted in the military, lying about his age to the recruitment office. For several years he fought against minor uprisings across Faru as a member of the Slorbo-Glomorian Army stationed in the region. The pay from the military was substantially better than theft and let him send back a decent sum for his family. In 1919 the Republic of Faru declared independence from Slorbo-Glomoria causing Drago and his army regiment to defect to the new Republic due to them all being Faruns. His regiment was immediately folded into the Republics new military and stationed in North Faru to keep checks on the rising tensions with the local Cossack Host. In mid 1919 the Cossacks invaded Cerise and butchered a large portion of the local population, including Dragos family who were finally getting back on their feet in the Republic. This event caused Drago massive grief and he swore that he would "kill every last 'Sack bastard" as revenge. After the Butcher of Cerise Drago applied to officer school in Urbis and would attend for a short period before being given an emergency commission as a Captain due to an increase in Cossack raids. For 1 year Drago and his men led offensives against Cossacks in North Faru until the establishment of a shaky peace treaty in late 1920. Drago hated this treaty and saw it as an insult to those who were butchered by the Cossack barbarians. This soured his opinion of the incumbent LibCon government who he began to see as spineless cowards selling out Faru to warlords. Drago would however get his wish for a continuation of the war when the Cossacks violated the treaty in 1921 with the collapse of a court case intended to try the war criminal "Captain Shambles" for the murder of General Ashton. With the Cossacks fleeing to their capital, the Farun Army marched one last time into Cossack lands to put them down for good. In the weeks long siege the fort lay in ruins and the body of Shambles was found. Remaining Cossacks fled and the government officially annexed the territory of Chevaporozhia putting an end to the Cossack menace. In the aftermath of the war the government shifted and the new United Party of Faru began getting traction. Drago having a distaste for the spineless LibCons and growing up poor made him gravitate towards the party, even though Gilgerians were the top dogs in it. During this time military administration also changed under UPF President John McHale. Vii Von Aknevo, a prominent UPF member was declared to the be the General of the Armies of Faru for his service during the siege of Fort Sack. Vii was different in Dragos eyes, finally a true soldier had been put in charge, one who served against the 'Sack and one who knew it took a strong military to get things done. Drago was a very outspoken supporter of Vii during his campaign for District 5 Senatorship. When Vii declared that he was leaving UPF for the Communist Party due to the UPF failing to address the issue of weak government, Drago immediately followed and signed up the next day. When the day came that Vii slew the Freecorps leader and Senator Jack Miller, Drago expected the CPF to come out and publicly defend the incident as the eradication of a reactionary threat and finally kick off the revoltion. This never came to be. The CPF instead declared that Vii was a traitor and publicly denounced him, kicking him out and assisting the government in their investigation of the murder. Drago was filled with rage at this. He felt betrayed by the cowards in the CPF leadership and disgusted by the slander the government was putting out about General Aknevo. This event caused Drago to immediately leave the CPF, along with whatever Aknevite remnants remained in it. For 2 years Drago continued his military service begrudgingly, telling himself that he defended Faru the nation and not the government that ruled it. For 2 years he stewed in his rage and swore that one day someone would rise against the liberal government and kick out the cowards. The day will come that Drago will get his revenge on the CPF and the Liberals. No matter the cost.