character declaration - Joachim Pomm

Started by the_apl, Jul 13, 2024, 07:50 PM

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MC Username: the_apl

Name: Joachim Pomm
Traits and Political Views:

25 y/o
not particularly religious
pro-central military
pro-centralization (in general, not a hard rule)
pro-strong executive
economically, a market socialist
socially, a liberal

Some goals:

get into politics and do some stuff :)
support the army


born from little in the republic of raopis, an unstable parliamentary republic, joachim discovered the issues a strong legislature could produce accordingly, he resolved that a stronger executive is the way to ensure a stable republic. however, he quite liked the raop economic system and generally progressive culture. though always discontent with his country's politics, he stayed, primarily because he didn't have the means to leave. when yet another government fell, however, he resolved to leave for faru, a faraway land people were saying was perfect to start a new life in. while looking for a way to make enough to leave, he found out the military was offering to pay people who were good enough to attend the army's school, cerus. he'd always been intrigued by the military, so he decided to take the entrance exam. he passed. he attended the school. he was paid. and he loved it. the attitude of the army, everything he was learning, he loved it. for two years he worked tirelessly, enjoying every second of his studies. but, alas, it was not to be. a new, anti-military government had significantly cut the army's funding, and cerus suffered. with his beloved school losing its luster and with enough cash in his pocket to get to faru, he decided to escape. he dropped out of cerus, and after a long trip by sea and land, found himself in liberty city, and decided to settle down. until now, he had been occupied with setting himself up in this new land, but with that done, his ambition returned.