Character Declaration - Eris

Started by bandgeeks, May 27, 2024, 07:21 AM

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MC Username: bandgeeks

Name: "Eris"

Political Views:

-- Tends to follow Kickassia's political alignments and views. It's all she's ever known so far in this strange environment.


-- Is a Mechanic, but is unable to restore her ship to former functionality due to the lack of an important material that is only found on her home planet, known as Selkonate.

-- Can be secretive and standoffish, perhaps due to her circumstances.

-- Enjoys spending time mining, as it's a new experience collecting material in a whole new environment.

-- Also enjoys repairing tools and weaponry. It gives her a sense of normalcy.

-- Likes things to be clearly scheduled.

Background: An alien from the planet of Garnad, located in a faraway solar system. Her spaceship crashed one day, landing ontop of one of the rolling hills of Kickassia, and quickly became a resident. She's taken to human language surprisingly quickly and has taken on a new name; "Eris". Though, she also tends to randomly say the words "gweep gwomp". She hasn't quite explained what that means.