Alexei Popović and Æsël Blanch letter exchange

Started by doidaogg1234, Jan 24, 2025, 05:40 PM

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Dear Æsël Blanch,

I hope this letter finds you well, I hoped I could write sooner but I found myself preoccupied with duties as Minister and Farun politics as a whole. I have since been taking a much-needed vacation which has given me some time to reflect on all I have experienced since entering the world of politics. I fear I may have somewhat lost track of my ideals in the pursuit of power and in doing so abandoned someone for whom I had deep appreciation and hoped I could consider a friend. For that I am sorry, as much as I believe it to have been the wiser choice for me to not align with the mandate at the time, it was unkind that during all your time in prison I have failed to visit you.

I would love to inquire more about your health and well-being in your time in prison, and what your plans for the future are. It is my understanding that you will be out of prison by the time I return to Faru, I sincerely hope that's the case.

Yours truly,
Alexei Popović


Greetings, my friend Alexei,

It was a welcome surprise to get your letter. Frankly, I thought everyone forgot about me! Not a word have I heard from any acquaintance since the (note: absurd!) imprisonment, and honestly, the conditions here are poor. There is not much space to walk, all interaction I have managed to get beyond getting fed and asking for books has been the other people jailed with me.
Quite the figures by the way! First came a man called Hugh or something of that sort, whose accent was very lowish, so I had quite the hard time getting a word he said (including his name, perhaps it was Hubert?); then none other than the "president" and infamous hack Ljuba Milenkovic, pardon my language, but I fucking despise that Schlorbo of a woman, she briefly aligned with me when she was elected, and I blissfully had high hopes before she decided to flee and come back a sympathiser of anarchists and communists a whatever other sinful thoughts she tolerated and harboured in that Swopian-Mulgarian brain of hers riddled with vile propaganda and heretic sancubite tumours, Gods almighty blessed my soul for her stay was short, what a kozak; now Kovar, socialist of Zallisburg and previous governor of the east (how's that going by the way? Has Markarth managed to keep afloat without me? I remember voting for "Peter the Great"), shares room with me, he is slowly growing on me, yet reasonably I cannot fully tolerate him, we were politically rivals despite having shared a few moments before that time, I visited Zallisburg from time to time for a while.
What else... Oh, I have been attempting to read, but asking for books proved mostly unsuccessful. I was allowed to bring some books with me into the cell, which I already carried on me when I was arrested, but not much more. Given that, I have been exercising, getting in a better shape! Relating to health, though, I have been having a few strange sharp pains in my head, I seem to lose stability sometimes, nothing I cannot control but frankly worrying.

Honestly, I am taken aback by future plans... Because, well, my plans are still to improve Faru. As long as Æsël Blanch lives, there will be a struggle to bring the real spirit of our nation forward, there will be a movement to take back what is ours... From the scarce books I managed to be able to ask guards for, I have developed a new world-view, I have meditated, truly Faru is less alone than we would think: before I did, there have been Gilgerians, Slorbs, Bloats, and even some Swopians and Areolans who have advocated for a return to a moral society yet keeping the modern advancements of liberalism in terms of philosophy and the ideas of property and liberal free markets and aspects of socialism's philosophy of the state and of its duties, clearly the way forward destroys the nihilism and degeneracy of liberalism and socialism but recognizes their advancements, we must see them for their good. We require a strong spiritual and human state that ensures the existence of the Farun people, we must ensure the existence of us against them, against the elements that hate us. Some people would serve Faru better less alive.

I hope you manage to find your way a abroad, I expect to see you once you come back as I will probably be out as you said. It was nice to hear from you after this long. Last time we talked one to one... Well, "Do you ever think about it?", you know how the rest goes.

Kind regards,
Æsël Blanch
staunchly pro-noun (it/its et nya/nyan)

:o < this emoji is so fucked up wtf


Dear Æsël Blanch,

I was terribly sorry to hear about the most unfortunate circumstances you find yourself in. I find it a terrible ordeal that someone whose crimes were at best non-existent and at worst greatly exaggerated, such as yourself, would be sent to the same prison that truly dangerous criminals and terrorists are sent to. I find it interesting that these so-called progressives, would introduce bills that grant such violent criminals more comfortable cells, whilst someone such as yourself is forced to live in squalor.
I must say, there is a great deal you have missed whilst you have been imprisoned, it truly felt as if the nation were descending into anarchy and, quite frankly, it still does. The lowliness of this Hugo you mentioned does not stop at his accent, he is a dangerous Anarcho-Mutualist terrorist, who committed repeated assault against members of the State Police. He then went on to kidnap a commissioner, before finally being stopped. It is remarkable the lack of equipment, training and overall competence in the State Police as it is, and it is deeply disheartening that at this moment they are the most well-equipped, trained and competent they have ever been. And the leftist solution to the issue? Decreased funding. Utterly ridiculous. And of Milenkovic, I hear she's no longer with us, praised be the gods, it seems that following her resignation from the presidency she was involved in a Mutualist plot to secede and was promptly terminated. It's funny you mention Peter, they were made premier-president shortly before I left for Lehua, seems a more well-intentioned member of the progressive bunch, but still a liberal at heart. I have not visited Markarth in quite some time either, but from what I understand the city itself is doing alright, but it has, sadly, become a liberal stronghold in your absence.
You mentioned reading, if you get the chance, I would recommend reading Camel Farm. It is not a terribly popular book, but it is one of my favorites. An unfinished fantasy novel, on the surface seems to tell the story of farm animals rebelling against the owner of the farm, but in truth, it is an allegory for the Farun war of independence and the dangers of communard and communist ideology. These pains and loss of balance you mention do sound quite worrying, I would recommend rest and, if possible, medical attention.

   When I asked about your future plans I wondered more in the realm of political plans for your future and how to tackle the issues of liberalism and communism that plague the nation in a more specific sense, but I do understand it may be difficult to engage with politics in a more-than theoretical sense whilst being confined. I find your position in regards to liberalism and communism bewildering and would love for you to elaborate further. However, I will give you my position on the subject. Whilst there is surely something to be learned about the populist rhetoric and mass appeal of the socialists, it is paramount to recognize that any deployment of such strategies for the benefit of the nation are to be used in a completely divorce manner from any ideas of class struggle and anti-capitalist ideology. The idea that class struggle exists as a fact of society is utterly incorrect and must be combatted. It is utterly important for the functioning of society, that the high class teach the low class how to work together for the benefit of the nation. Whilst I am opposed to capitalism without limitations, a simple look at the Mulgarian and Swopian attempts at divergence will show that there is no plausible alternative mode of production. The things we can learn from this ideology, however, are: valorization of the national workforce (and the nation as a whole) and the belief in a strong state that protects its citizens.
   I must admit there is very little I find redeemable, or I should say useful, about the liberal philosophy. Liberalism is at its core a misinterpretation of the core ideals of a democracy. Belief in the necessity of unregulated capitalism and individual liberties are, frankly, naive. It is my sincere opinion that we should strive for a strong, spiritual and united state. Disunity between capitalist and government power is, in my opinion, detrimental to the better Faru that you envision. Working towards unity, or rather, cohesion in the national front is pivotal.
   I will now criticise some of your political beliefs and I implore that you do not take this as criticism of you as a person and that we can engage in civilized debate on this topic (the kind of thing which leftists can not even imagine). I believe that your uncritical support of nations such as Bloatia is misguided. Whilst there are redeemable aspects about the Bloatian governance, the truth is, Bloatia has repeatedly acted as a destabilizing factor for Farun society and a nationalism that fails to recognize this is, in my opinion, not as profoundly nationalist as one that does. Faru as a nation has a history of allowing itself to be pushed around and molded by foreign entities. If we aim to create a strong state, we must be a state that is able to stand on its own. We must engage in these efforts without Bloatian interference and seek only diplomacy from Bloats, not guidance.
   I hope this letter finds you well and that you respond with haste. For, in truth, I miss these political discussions and I believe these new ideas of yours to be terribly interesting.
Yours truly,
Alexei Popović


Greetings, my friend Alexei,

   Always great to see mail from you! It has been a pleasure to talk with you so far and I am eager for your return to the Nation for us to keep discussing after my "sentence". This so far has been a nice way to keep up with social interaction, too, something lacking in my situation.
   I must, however, disagree with various points in your letter, and will dedicate this letter to explaining myself.

   On socialism, we must really define socialism as the ownership of capital and the means of production, and that those should be owned by the community. Truth is, though, that most communist socialists ignore that the mob power of the popular ownership of these is anarchistic, it produces the highest state of tyranny: that of unwelfare, the state of the unwell. In fact, late Father Miller's Sovereign Faith promotes a very communitarian way of thought based upon Cubeaist principles, a spiritual state of wellbeing or mystical welfare. I hence argue for the state ownership of as many things as possible, organized under guilds or corporations which represent the interests not only of the humble employees who produce but their employers too, as we must eliminate any and all class warfare not through the abolition of class but through the collaboration of classes to obtain the ultimate welfare state. Principalist thought is the only rational end to socialism, unlike communism and mutualism.
   Liberalism, while mostly breaking with the ideas that tradition and the state are the ultimate legitimate actors in society, brought with it a lot of good. Free markets, democracy, reason, and nationalism are aspects which are, albeit with some need for reform, desirable. The more undersirable aspects are materialism—the rejection of mysticism and idealism in favor of a "rationalist" "realist" rejection of it—, capitalist egoism, and the radical democracy and free markets that, while good in part, uncontrolled lead ultimately to corruption, degeneracy, and anarchy. The correct liberal is one which promotes faithfulness, market control, a strong state, and traditional values, a more conservative classical liberalism which does not condone anti-harmonious and disgenic rejections of the right system of Cubeaism.
   I believe sincerely in a possibility of these being compatible with ideas of the old regime of the times of the Farič, such as monarchical executive systems, unrestricted paternal powers of the state, hierarchical society, and others.
   And of Bloatia, I think the BNP is an ally of Farun values, our issue is a discrepancy over the legitimacy of eachothers' rule over our lands, discrepancy which can be addressed as we are brothers in Faith (Cubeaism), Ethnolinguistic type (Sclavene), and enemies (Mulgarian, Nepublian, and Areolan powers). My only issue with Bloatia is in fact their internal social policy on ethnicities, the seem to promote protection of Schlorbos, Bohen, Kozaks, and other spiritually unclean or otherwise non-player identities, our great late writer and fellow Hart IVV wrote quite correctly on the kozak question in his book, yet I find it confuses Farun identity, which I see as both ethnic (we are Farič Sclavenes) and also civic (all who are under our constitution), there are two nations within a Farun which is what makes us fully distinct from Bloats, but also from Farun Kozaks, and those Gods-damned Schlorbos.

   On a final note, I hope your travel has done you good, and you have taken a proper break to serve our nation and state in the best of your capabilities, soon I will be released and I hope we can arrange a meeting of some kind.

Kind regards, and glory to Faru,
Æsël Blanch
staunchly pro-noun (it/its et nya/nyan)

:o < this emoji is so fucked up wtf