Ken Rosénberg

Started by sierra, Dec 23, 2024, 03:27 AM

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MC Username: Foxcubensis

Name: Ken Rosénberg
Traits and Political Views:
- Justice matters most...
- Just make money...

Some goals:
- Wishes to become a wealthy and notable lawyer in Faru

Ken Rosénberg.. He's an eccentric and pretentious lawyer from the United Providences. His father, Jack Ironbeam, is a reich and well known lawyer, and raised his son Ken to follow in his footsteps. As part of the Provenances Law Academy allumini (one of the little-ivy schools in the United Providences) he pulled strings to get his son Ken into the school; where he graduated as a lawyer (barely learned anything during those 4 years though) and passed the bar.

Ken is a nepobaby and somehow believed moving to faru was a great idea, because the cost of living is lower. "In UP, a loaf of bread is 5 dollars.. but in faru, it's two liras for 32 loafs! what a deal". However, he neglected to realize this only works out if you're converting currencies, and didn't realize salaries also adjusts for the cost of living. His father is forcing him to stay in faru to "learn his lesson".. He's going to stay in faru, at least for a while., temporarily.. his career's success in Faru will dictate that.