Nepublian Parliament Character Dossier

Started by AnteaterAshley, Oct 30, 2024, 09:59 PM

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Name: Hans Bakker, President of Nepublia
Traits and Political Views:
- Pragmatist
- Timid
- Softspoken but purposeful
- Serious in politics, sweet in person
- Liberal
- ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral

Some goals:
Stay the course and maintain stability within the Federation
Incorporate more Republics, such as Crosnia, Bloatia, and very recently Lenoria into the Federation

Background: A deeply symbolic figure for the Nepublian Federation, Hans Bakker was a commander in the Nepublian Liberation Army (NLA). While this Army never saw much fighting against their former overlords, as their break with the Slorbo-Glormorian Empire was much more clean cut than most, his force primarily fought against Bloat and Crosniak forces in the southeast of the country. His internal moral compass makes him ashamed of his army's actions, but rationalized those feelings away by convincing himself that he was saving the people there from totalitarian rule. After his time in the army, he has become much more softspoken and timid, retiring from military duties at the age of 48 in the year 1920. He would later win the Presidential Election in 1924, after which the Republic of Tapedon joined the Federation.

Name: Luka Marko, President of Tapedon
Traits and Political Views:
- Utilitarian
- Tactful
- Slow to pick up on indirect language, thus seen as some as a bit boring
- Extremely experienced politician
- ALIGNMENT: True Neutral

Some goals:
Prove that a multi-republic federation is possible and necessary
Incorporate more Republics into the federation to ensure that Tapedon doesn't just become a satellite of Nepublia

Background: Growing up a stonemason, Luka Marko comes from an impoverished family in Dhiverport, his hometown. Joining an anti-crosniak militia in his teens, he quickly fell into a bout of nationalism and anti-crosniak racism that would grip him until his mid 20's. He has since stopped being a teenager, and recognizes that his disdain stemmed from the occupation of Tapedon from the Crosniak Nation, not from the fact that the nation occupying his was Crosniak. He took a gamble encouraging his people to consider joining the Nepublian Federation, and is hoping that it pays off.

Name: Daan Aalbers, Speaking Member of Parliament of the Nepublian Capital District.
Traits and Political Views:
- Sparrow
- Bleeding Heart Liberal through and through.
- Anti-war
- Anti-Swopian and Anti-Bloat
- Self righteous but extremely confident
- ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral

Some goals:
Indirectly help Faru without resorting to a military strike against Mulgaria
Become President of Nepublia someday
Win the Sparrow power struggle between the Aalberites and the Hagelites
Introduce more social programs

Background: Growing up a fisherman in Bregadam under the Slorbo-Glormorian Empire, Daan Aalbers has witnessed firsthand the troubles that the impoverished face, and aims to eliminate it through liberalism with social programs to help the poor. As Bregadam rapidly grew in the waning years of the SGE, he was forced into homelessness as he was outcompeted and sabotaged by competitors on the fishing market. After working his way back into financial stability, staying with his girlfriend's family at the time (Much to their dismay), he was able to afford a new fishing boat and began to dabble in politics. People really liked the cut of his jib, and he quickly became a prominent politician in the Nepublian region of the SGE. After Nepublian independence, he has won every Capital District election, and pushed for Bregadam to become the Capital city, citing its recent and rapid growth being reminiscent of the nation as a whole.

Name: Cornelius Hagel, Speaking Member of Parliament of the Zeewarden District.
Traits and Political Views:
- Sparrow
- Fat Cat Tycoon
- Masterful Politician
- Most conservative of the Liberals
- Extremely powerful in government, practically has a stranglehold over the Sparrow party.
- Self-Serving
- Sleazebag
- ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

Some goals:
Increase his own personal power and shape the future of the Federation to become a regional superpower
Grant subsidies to businesses to increase the nation's GDP
Attract outside investment
Prove Nepublia's Mettle on the world stage

Background: Raised by Slorbo-Glormorian Nobility in northeastern Lenoria (now the Nepublian province of Ostelenor), Cornelius Hagel has never known a real day of hardship in his life. Despite this, he intends to use his powerful position to seize as much personal power as possible. By securing himself as the heart of the Sparrow party, he essentially dictates the course the nation will take by controlling the majority party line. He aims to purge Aalberites, but they are currently too prominent in the party for him to do so without jeopardizing his own security as party hegemon.

Name: Willem Bogard, Speaking Member of Parliament of the Noordelijkberg District.
Traits and Political Views:
- Crow
- Jingoist Warhawk
- Ruthless
- Respectable Bipartisan
- ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil

Some goals:
Integrate the majority of collapsed Glormoria into the Nepublian Federation
Punish Mulgaria for the murder of Bruno Stojanovic
Make money through his ties with Nepublian arms industries
Seize leadership of the Crow party

Background: Growing up in the poor rural region of Noordelijkberg, Willem Bogard grew up a hard individual, often cheating and defrauding people to just barely get by. This has warped his perception of the world into a hellscape where only the strong survive, and nobody has a real friend. Thus, he aims to turn Nepublia into a state that throws its weight around, securing its place in the sun before some other, "less deserving" nations take it from them.

Name: Hendrik Cuyler, Speaking Member of Parliament of the Sudpine District
Traits and Political Views:
- Crow
- Silver Tongue
- Master of Rhetoric
- Comes across as a sensible moderate, but is in reality an extremist who uses slippery slopes to get his way.
- ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

Some goals:
Coerce the federation to unilaterally occupy Mulgaria, Bloatia, Glormoria, Crosnia, Faru, and Lenoria one step at a time.
Abandon Areole and forge a new alliance with Gilgeria.
Invade the Swopian Union and topple international communism.

Background: A former farmer of the western SGE, Hendrik Cuyler and his family lived in the lands west of Lenoria. He managed to secure a fortune by upselling uninformed individuals, and quickly his silver tongue became his ticket up. After the end of the Meridian war, and the subsequent Swopian invasion of western central Meridia, his family was forced to migrate eastward. In the chaos, his wife and daughter were killed by Swopian forces, only escaping with his son. Needless to say, this radicalized Cuyler against the Swopian Union and he has now dedicated his existence to violently purging them from Meridia. Ultimately, he knows this act of revenge won't fill the gap in his soul, but it gives him something to distract from the pain.

Name: Bart Freese, Speaking Member of Parliament of the Ostelenor District
Traits and Political Views:
- Leading figure in the Crow Party
- Conservative
- People Person
- Magnificent Speaker, if not a bit deranged
- ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

Some goals:
Seize the Parliamentary majority from the Sparrows
Deliberalize the Nepublian Federation
Make America Nepublia Florida Ostelenor
Seize the rest of Lenoria from the shattered Glormorian Empire, Hang the Lenorian Communists
Become President of Lenoria if it joins the Federation

Background: Growing up a Country Bumpkin child of conservative parents, Bart Freese has always had a deep rooted fear of the unknown. He was taught by his father that "Being a man means fighting your fears to protect the ones you love". This has been warped in Freese's mind to justify anti-progressivism in the name of protecting the Federation Citizens from a perceived threat [READ: THE WOKE MOB!!!]. Being a Lenorian nationalist, he has been Advocating for Nepublia to invade the Lenor Commune and topple the Swopian proxy state right on its border as a show of force.