A address to the Napublian parliament

Started by avawashere, Oct 27, 2024, 07:36 AM

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Hello, my name is Av Rosting, I am the 5th President of Faru, and I come here to break some horrible news.

Last week, we were attacked by a Mulgarian terrorist group. During this attack, our censor Tim Stamper was killed and the mayor of the Capital was left a comatose state after suffering grave wounds to the head.

Furthermore, during this attack, the Ambassador to Faru, Bruno Stojanovič, was tragically murdered when the terrorists bombed the embassy in Urbis.

Back home, I had to help our MOI fight this horrific beast that the terrorist brought to the capital. Additionally our MOFA would be here with me but he resigned to became the new censor. The current whereabouts of our Premier are unknown but he is safe and he's leading the senate right now in this terrible time.

As President, I had to take action. I chose to take this journey to this great nation to talk with you, the great Parliament of Nepublia, not as the leader of a foreign nation but, as friend.

The truth is, I have gone though Dozens of battles, from the independence war of Faru, to the Cossacks, to the Eastern Crisis, to even the Ape War. I have been though hell and back, and especially after the ape war, where I watched my friends Then President Priest Viktor and Tomof Tomorrow die, I thought I would have to do everything alone. However, after consulting Gaul Soodman, who has been working with me extensively on the defense of Milenkovic, he urged me to send a plea to Nepublia for aid. Thousands are being killed right now in Faru, and we need help. This is our darkest hour, now more than ever, Faru needs a friend.


\ooc\ Brief definition list:

The Crows - the Realpolitik, Hawkish, Liberal-Conservative Party
The Sparrows - the Bleeding-Heart Liberal Party
Ostelenor - the northwesternmost district of the Nepublian Federation, rural and conservative.
Noordelijkberg - A mountainous region of rural central Nepublia
Dhiverport - The southernmost district in the nation, Sparrow-dominated, borders Mulgaria
Zeewarden - The most populous city in all of the Nepublian Federation, widely regarded as the nation's cultural and economic center.
Nepublian Capital District - The Administrative hub of the Nepublian Federation, home to Bregadam, the Federation's Capital City.
Sudpine - A rural, Crow-dominated district inbetween Noorelijkberg and Ostelenor. Mountainous and cold.

As President Rosting concludes her speech, the tension in the Nepublian Grand Parliament finally reaches its boiling point. An explosion of deafening chatter fills the Chamber of Parliament. The expressions on the faces of MPs range from outrage to shock. The Presidents of Tapedon and Nepublia are speechless. The Chamber Speaker desperately tries to restore order, but is ultimately drowned out by the droning of each and every politician's initial reactions to this shocking news.

Aldert Becker, an MP from the Ostelenor District and the Chamber Speaker, fruitlessly shouts out into the chamber; "Order! Order!"

Over the next coming minutes, the rambling dies down, and Becker officially opens the Chamber floor for a response from the Speaker MPs.

Willem Bogard, the Crow SMP of the Noordelijkberg District, is the first to queue to speak. With an aggressive "AHEM", the SMP begins his speech;

"Thank you Right Honorable Speaker Becker. This, to put it in the most mild of terms, is an absolute outrage. In all my years of political work, I have never before witnessed such a brazen attack in the great lands of Meridia. Bruno Stojanovič is dead, and our Diplomatic Mission to Faru has been completely destroyed by Communist Mulgar Extremists. To say we must take action is an understatement. We have wasted our early years with our inaction! The Nepublian Federation needs to seize its place as the dominant central-meridian power! What on earth must the Mulgars think of us in order to so brazenly attack an extension of our Federation?! Are we that looked down upon?!  The only solution here is to swiftly and forcefully correct this grave error on the part of the Mulgar state. The people of Mulgaria have suffered for long enough, and it's time that we have freed them from their backwards, Communist ways! The people of Noordelijkberg, the people of Nepublia will not stand to take this direct attack on our sovereignty sitting down! Right Honorable Speaker Becker, I yield my time."

A mixture of applause and heckling fills the chamber. The cawing of crows in parliament seems to have swayed the median Sparrow to see their point of view. However, up next is the Speaker MP Vincent Ter Maat, a Sparrow of the Tapedonian district of Dhiverport. Leaning forward in a slight bow, he addresses Parliament;

"Right Honorable Speaker Becker. Now, it may be easy for Western Warhawks to want to flex our military might, but they fail to consider the lives that would ultimately be lost in a clash with Mulgaria, who is just across our border. It is of the utmost importance that we conduct ourselves the way we have since our  borders were established, with grace and diplomacy. Stone-headed use of armed forces has historically lead to catastrophic loss of life. So, Right Honorable Speaker Bogard, while you may be willing to risk innocent Tapedon lives from the safety of the North, us Southerners are naturally more reluctant to bring war to our doorstep. We hold all the cards here, we can flex our diplomatic muscle and accomplish the same goal without the spilt blood of our soldiers and civilians alike. Right Honorable Speaker Becker, I yield my time."

Murmurs once more fill the Chamber. While unable to combat the point of sparing Federation lives, the majority of Crows seem to be favoring military intervention. What is less clear is the Sparrow position on the issue. Will the extreme nature of this attack shake their typically war-averse mentality? Famed and experienced politician from Zeewarden, Cornelius Hagel takes the stand, adjusting his tie and straightening his glasses as he stands tall at the podium. With a gruff voice, he begins his speech;

"Thank you Right Honorable Speaker Becker. This stance may seem unbecoming of Sparrows, but the sheer gravity of this attack leaves Nepublia in a situation that it cannot simply use words to respond to. Should we simply apply diplomatic pressure in response to this action, then other nations in Meridia will walk all over us. The art of statecraft is a tricky one, and while it may be tempting to let our emotions get the better of us, we must look at the facts of the situation. Assuming what President Rosting of Faru said is completely accurate, then what occurred in Faru was nothing short of a declaration of war on Faru and the Federation itself. How are we to call ourselves a sovereign nation if we will be so easily spat in the face of, and we won't even have the nerve to respond with proper force? I sympathize with you, Right Honorable Speaker Ter Maat, but we as a nation cannot let this incident simply be water under the bridge. If we do not show our mettle in the face of this Mulgar terrorist attack, we will set a grave precedent for our nation, one that will plague the Federation for years to come. We are not pushovers, and we need to show our grit and willingness to take action in response to direct attacks on Federation Citizens. I propose a motion to have the Federation conduct a federal investigation into the attacks. If the facts presented to us today are verified to be true, then we will have little other choice as a Parliament than to authorize military force against the Mulgarian Republic, as hard as that may be to stomach for the more pragmatic of my fellow Sparrows. Right Honorable Speaker Becker, I yield my time."

The atmosphere of the Grand Parliament is so thick that it could be cut with a knife. The Crows audibly laud Hagel while the Sparrows warily applaud Hagel's speech as if they had no choice in the matter. The truth of the matter is that, while they generally agreed with Hagel, few Crows, let alone Sparrows, had the political swagger to so boldly float in concrete terms the concept of an invasion into Mulgaria. Stepping up boldly, SMP Daan Aalbers of the Nepublian Capital District took the stand. With a stern look on his face and a furrowed brow, he gripped the podium as he spoke;

"Right Honorable Speaker Becker. Grand Parliament of the Federation -- I am here to remind you what your job is as Members of Parliament. Your job is to represent the Federation's citizens and act in their best interest at all times. I need not remind you of the horrific bloodshed our nations faced in the Great Meridian War, where we fought tooth and nail for lines on a map. Brother against brother, our nations fought, dying at the whims of childish monarchs and nationalistic devils. Members of Parliament, I urge you this: Do not forget what War means. War is the loss of a generation. War is the breakdown of civilization. War is the last resort. I am not going to stand up here and preach that we should never go to war, but to those advocating for the Federation to intervene, I ask, would you still behave the way you are currently if it were your sons bleeding in the trenches? This is neither the time nor reason to go to war. I agree wholeheartedly with Right Honorable Speaker Ter Maat, and denounce in its entirety the proposal by Right Honorable Speaker Hagel to use military action against the Mulgarian Republic. Right Honorable Speaker Becker, I yield my time."

Glaring at each other from across the Chamber, the tension between Hagel and Aalbers was immense. The Crows, familiar with Aalbers' unwavering nature, were unsurprised by this. On the other hand, the war-averse of the Sparrows were shocked that a member of their own party had stood up to Hagel. The Sparrows were typically a unified party, dominating Federation politics to the benefit of the nation as a whole, but this issue had shockingly unveiled a strong divide in the party. The two All-Stars of the Sparrow Apparatus, the SMPs of the Largest City and the Administrative Capital butting heads, piqued the interest of the Crows in attendance. Crow Speaker Hendrik Cuyler from the Sudpine District takes the stand, and begins addressing the Parliament;

"Right Honorable Speaker Becker, thank you. It should come to no surprise to any Federation Citizen that the Sparrows are more interested currently in bickering over nuanced opinions than to take the obvious steps. It is simple. We must send a military envoy to Urbis and smash the Terrorist Mulgar Forces, at the request of President Rosting of Faru, and we must also send a package of aid to the starving and displaced Farun citizens in these chaotic times. The Death of our beloved Bruno Stojanovič, a personal friend of many in office, myself included, must not go unanswered for. However, we must take action immediately to prevent any more unnecessary deaths. It's what he would have wanted. Any other decision on our short-term course of action is, frankly, ridiculous, and has no place in a serious discussion of our Federation. We must take the initiative and put a halt to the suffering in Faru, then we can decide what to do with the Mulgar menace responsible for this catastrophe. Right Honorable Speaker Becker, I yield my time."

Finally, as the unsurprised murmuring of the Parliament fades, Presidents Hans Bakker of Nepublia and Luka Marko of Tapedon take the stand. Fearful of the increasing division presenting itself in the Grand Parliament, they have temporarily taken over the role of Chamber Speaker from Aldert Becker. Addressing the nation as a whole, Bakker begins;

"Nepublians, Tapedonians, Crosniaks, Bloatians, and any other person who calls the Nepublian Federation their home, I speak directly to you now. We understand that it is our job to represent you and act in your best interest, and we intend wholeheartedly to do that. We understand that in the wake of tragedy, it is easy to panic and begin fearing the worst, but fret not. Nepublia is a strong, independent nation, no longer the pawn of foreign powers. We will not be used as cannon fodder like we were in painfully recent memory."

Marko Continues;

"It is important, now more than ever, that you write to your local representatives and inform them exactly what you expect from them and what you think should be done. We are working tirelessly to serve you, and we require plentiful input to do so. We urge you to keep calm, and carry on. This will not topple us. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you."

The chamber is filled with applause, some enthusiastic, some lukewarm and done only for tradition's sake. The moderates in the chamber applaud the Presidents' intentional effort to sow unity in the Parliament and reassure the people. The extremists disparage the speech as milktoast and lacking actual substance. Chamber Speaker Becker takes the stand once more;

"If there are no more speakers, then I formally adjourn the Grand Parliament of the Nepublian Federation. We shall meet again in two days' time to discuss further action and reassess the situation. Parliament is adjourned at 10:29 P.M.."

The MPs begin shuffling out of the room, and SMP Hagel approaches President Av Rosting. Placing a hand on her shoulder to get her attention in the crowd of MPs, he addresses the President;

"President Rosting, I am brokenhearted to hear of the tragic events that took place in Faru. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to ensure that we take proper care of Faru and your people. You asked for a friend, and the Federation will answer that call."

And with that, the first meeting of the Nepublian Grand Parliament on the topic has been concluded.


