Letter from the Nepublian Federation

Started by AnteaterAshley, Oct 26, 2024, 10:41 PM

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The Nepublian Office of Foreign Affairs
1003 Baskitar St.
Bregadam, NCD
The Nepublian Federation

John McHale
100 Main Street
Urbis City, Urbis
The Republic of Faru

Greetings Foreign Minister John Mchale. We write to you as we have just heard recently of a terrorist attack in Urbis City. We send our deepest condolences to your nation for this tragic loss of life. Typically, in the event of a disaster, we would expect continuous communication between the Office of Foreign Affairs and the Diplomatic Envoy stationed in said country. However, we cannot reach the Nepublian Embassy in Urbis, and we have received no updates from Stojanovič. We are formally requesting a report, as soon as the situation is under control, on the state of the Embassy. If Stonanovič is seen fleeing the terror in the West, please direct him to the nearest telegram so we can reestablish contact.

We once again send our deepest condolences to your nation, and extend our support to you in these tragic times.