Character Declaration - Amin Arbati

Started by yuli, Oct 17, 2024, 09:01 PM

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MC Username: yulinatuf

Name: Amin Arbati
Traits and Political Views:

- Speaks Alrizian, Aréolese, Slorbian & Farun.
- Broadly socialist and internationalist, but not currently involved in politics.
- War veteran, visibly seen some shit.
- Generally a hard worker but also somewhat melancholy.


Amin Arbati was born in Alrizia in 1895 in Alriziers to Salim and Alizia Arbati. Being only provided a basic education as one of five children, he would eventually land a job at the Alriziers Industrial Port handling cargo at the age of 15. There he would meet many foreign workers learning Aréolese and Slorbian.

When the war broke out in 1914 Amin had joined the Aréolese navy, hoping to escape his dire conditions and eventually migrate to Aréole. However, only a few months into the war he would be reassigned into the Army and sent to the Slorbo-Glormorian front.

He would serve 1.5 years as a foot soldier in the trenches, but one of the officers would eventually catch on to his knowledge of Slorbian, reassigning him to work in translation and aid with the interrogation of enemy soldiers. Despite this in 1917 he would be captured by the Slorbo-Glormorian Army and sent to a POW camp in northern Faru, where he would spend the rest of the war learning Farun as well as forming an ideological affinity to socialism.

In 1919, following the Farun Revolution, the Farun Liberation Army would liberate the POW camp Amin was located in, he would join the FLA until the end of the war. When the dust had settled he moved to Urbis City, now far removed from his homeland and his original dreams, he attempts to scrape out a living in his new home.