Updated Character Declaration

Started by Ozymandias, Oct 02, 2024, 05:48 PM

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MC Username: Ozymandias1977

Name:  Johnathon Kurt Godfrey
Traits and Political Views:
- Founder and Leader of the National Mandate Caucus of the Liberal-Conservative party
- Became disillusioned with his Yeomen utopia dreams after figuring out that the Yeomen don't like being told what to do.
- Industrial and Financial motives have quickly taken over the former humble Joe Farmer
- Opportunist and ready to jump ship at the first sign of trouble.
- If he could he would hunt the poor for sport
- Originally Against the Cossack War, but nowadays ashamed that he ever held this position.
- Became unhinged and more right wing after losing his senate seat because of McHale

Some goals:
- Expand Jeffersonlandia's Industrial Capacity
- Drain the South of ALL its resources to fuel his wealth
- Enact wage slavery
- Empower the National Mandate Caucus
Godfrey's family lineage come from a well established Glormorian trading family, but he was quickly forgotten about after his parent's deaths. With the little money and education he acquired he would fight for survival in Faru before the revolution. After the revolution and acquiring his promised wages as a soldier under Kenneth he would travel south near the river to find a small plot of land for his future failed Yeomen Utopia. After winning the Southern Senate Election in a landslide victory of 1 vote, he would start gathering political knowledge from his follow peers and party cadres in LibCons, but it wouldn't take long for Godfrey to become enemies with President McHale who to Godfrey is no better then a Communist. After McHale dissolved the Senate, Godfrey would spend weeks and weeks sulking until one day he got up and became a Joe Business and focus on his company, Southern Industries, but soon after he discovered that being a Joe Business was awful and focused again to politics which led him and follow conservatives of LibCons to found the National Mandate Caucus of the Liberal-Conservative party