Character Declaration - Rostek Ušmanev

Started by jennydxxth, May 25, 2024, 03:56 PM

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MC Username: gdts_

Name: Rostek Oldoich Adamets Ušmanev
Traits and Political Views:
- corrupt, sleazy
- Royalist, wishes for an authentic Farun monarchy rather than the inbred Imperial monarchy
- affiliated with Farun organized crime
- deeply religious, a firm believer in Cubeaism and a priest

Some goals:
Refraining from disclosing for the time being.

Born in Northern Faru, but migrated to the South very early on. Became a priest following the Revolution, and also became affiliated with the mafia.


character update rostek has been RETIRED and now lives a life of religious solitude and monasticism on the rocky southern coast